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Aging and prevention - longevity and age-reversing updates

Updated: May 31

I am not a biologist or scientist who works on cell structures in biology. However, after hearing about the exciting findings concerning research on changing cell structures by age, I am intrigued by cell deformation and aging studies. Thus, I started reading the studies further, watching videos, and gathering information.

In addition, my readings revealed many years of scientific studies on cell structures and related biological functioning by respected scientists who won Nobel Prizes for their work. The statements here attempt to share the perspective of those and other scientists who have worked for years on the changes in cell structures by age, causes of cell malfunction and symptoms, and respective remedies.

The research on slowing down aging and rebuilding cell structures to their youthful levels appears to be broadening rapidly. Respectively, applying research findings to our daily lives, many service providers, rendering tests, and supplying supplements targeting aging treatments pop up everywhere. Yet, some scientists have proposed a few lingering questions concerning aging prevention, even though the research unveiled so far is exciting. One is whether those expensive supplements will be available for wider audiences.

The second is that living longer is exciting, but living longer with your loved ones and family members will also be an integral part of a longer lifespan. That awaits clarity psychologically, philosophically, and empirically.

This document does not claim any scientific value or contain any medical advice. Furthermore, it did not follow any academic standards of writing. It only focused on conveying information correctly and systematically with notes for reading and comprehension integrity. Hence, it's essential to consistently do reality checks in any discipline and advice before use.

Turgut A.

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